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Business Law

Representation during corporate buyouts

Growing businesses in Henderson, Nevada, and other parts of the greater Las Vegas area may come to a point in which they need to expand their operations in order to keep up their growth and profitability. As a pervious post on this blog discussed, one option for...

How does a corporate buyout work?

Many business owners in the Las Vegas area or in other parts of Nevada may be looking for opportunities to expand, especially since the economy seems to be doing fairly well right now. One of the ways in which a business might consider expanding is by conducting a...

The importance of a regulatory compliance program

Even smaller to mid-sized Nevada businesses need to concern themselves with what legal and business professionals call "regulatory compliance." The idea behind regulatory compliance is that there are a maze of federal, state, and local laws that most businesses in...

What is a Nevada “LLC”?

Many Nevada residents are likely aware that people who run businesses are often encouraged to "incorporate." There are different ways to run businesses, and creating a corporate entity is one way to take advantage of certain business structures. Most people probably...

What to consider with a business partnership

Starting a business may leave a new entrepreneur with feelings of both excitement and fear. While Americans throughout the United States, including many from Henderson and Las Vegas, Nevada, and the surrounding area, are adapting to an ever-evolving economy and fluid...

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