Experienced Attorneys Who Will Fight For You

Year: 2019

Understanding mergers and acquisitions

You are undoubtedly proud of the work you have done in building a successful Nevada company. As your company has matured, you have worked to provide well for your family and keep your stockholders happy. Perhaps you have already taken advantage of circumstances to...

Avoiding risky missteps in estate planning

Many Nevada residents know that they should have an estate plan in place, but, for whatever reason, they are hesitant to even start the process. Why? Well, in some cases, people find the estate planning process mystifying - they don't know what options are right for...

Protecting your real estate rights in Nevada

Details are the crucial underpinning of any legal transaction but are most important in real estate transactions. Whether you are buying or selling real estate, the details in the negotiations and the resulting legal documents involved provide direction for not only...

What is the key to avoiding probate?

For many people in Nevada who start the estate planning process, avoiding probate is one of their main goals. No one likes to think of their relatives and close friends needing to go through complicated court procedures just so assets can be distributed according to...

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