Experienced Attorneys Who Will Fight For You

Year: 2019

Due diligence and real estate investing in Nevada

Not all buyers of real estate are in it to find a new home or find a location for a business. Some are in it for investing purposes. Over the last decade or so most people have probably seen television shows about "flippers," people who buy old houses and buildings to...

The financial impact of a real estate dispute

Most people in Nevada who are involved in any type of real estate transaction usually hope that it goes smoothly. Unfortunately, the reality is that any time real estate changes hands, there is the potential for something to go wrong. Different factual scenarios in...

The legal obligations of a C-corp

When most Nevada residents think of a corporation, they are likely thinking of a C-corp. C-corps are corporate entities created to operate as a business, which protects shareholders from liability. There are pros and cons to starting a business as a C-corp, but, once...

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