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Real Estate Law

What is a partition action?

There are many people in Henderson, Nevada, and the greater Las Vegas area who own property jointly. Sometimes, this is just part of their living arrangement, even if they are not married. In other cases, two individuals might be in business together as landlords or...

We represent all sizes of real estate investors

There are a lot of Las Vegas, Nevada, residents who earn all or part of their living by investing in real estate. Some are just families or couples who have gained some experience with rental properties or with flipping foreclosed homes and use their skills to make...

What is a common-interest community in Nevada?

Like many Western states, Nevada has seen an uptick in the number of residents who move to the state to retire. With the beautiful scenery, mostly pleasant weather, and large open spaces, the state is a welcoming place to live for many people who are in the...

What is a mechanic’s lien in Nevada?

Nevada residents are likely familiar with the concept of a "lien." Most individuals who have bought a new automobile, for example, have first-hand experience with lien holders, as the bank from which the person borrowed money to pay for the vehicle has a lien against...

What is a “quiet title” action in Nevada?

Nevada residents are likely aware that the law governing the ownership and transfer of real estate can be incredibly complicated. Between the various types of land ownership, the many ways in which a piece of property can be conveyed, including sale, inheritance and...

What is “adverse possession” in Nevada?

Maybe you were left a piece of property by a distant relative. Or, you and your spouse bought a "distressed" home with the intent of fixing it up and selling it. Perhaps you are a commercial landowner and don't pay as close attention to every property you own as you...

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