Experienced Attorneys Who Will Fight For You

Year: 2018

The right approach in a real estate dispute

The parties involved in a real estate transaction usual enter the negotiations with the best intentions in mind. However, best intentions sometimes are not enough to avoid the eventuality of a real estate dispute arising from a transaction. The myriad causes of these...

What are common causes of probate litigation?

One of the main reasons that Nevada residents make comprehensive estate plans is to avoid the potential for probate litigation when the time for the plan to be implemented comes. No one likes to think of their heirs and beneficiaries being tied up in the probate court...

The right legal steps when starting a partnership

Launching a new business is an exciting time, but it is a legally and financially complex process as well. There are important decisions to make, and one of these choices will be to decide which type of business structure works best for your Nevada company. If you are...

Property boundary disputes between neighbors

"Good fences make good neighbors" is an old saying that many of our readers in Nevada have probably heard before. But, unfortunately, neighbors may not do the appropriate amount of research prior to building a fence, for example. This can lead to a good example of how...

Representation before, during a mediation

A previous post on this blog talked about how mediation can be an attractive alternative to a business owner who finds himself or herself either needing to pursue a legal claim against another business or who is on the receiving end of a lawsuit related to a...

Putting the right value on one’s property

Often overlooked, one of the steps in the probate or trust administration is the act of putting a value on the property that is part of the estate or in the trust. How much a piece of property was worth at the time of a person's death can have huge implications with...

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