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Estate Planning

2 causes of estate problems 

When people start setting aside assets and considering who will inherit their estate, there are a couple of mistakes people may make, making it harder for family, friends and loved ones to inherit from your estate and even cause estate disputes. Here’s what you should...

Forgiving family loans in estate planning

Loan forgiveness has become a hot topic the past couple of years, and you have kept that in mind as you prepare your estate plan. Some of your children have led financially responsible lives, while others needed a little more guidance. And that guidance included a...

Can I disinherit my spouse?

As much as you tolerated your spouse during your marriage, you will always have certain ill feelings toward him or her. As you prepare your will, you wonder whether it is possible to disinherit your spouse. Well, in a way, you can in Nevada. But the result remains a...

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