If you’d like to avoid filing home insurance claims, it’s important to know why people generally file these claims, how much they’re worth and what steps you can take to avoid finding yourself in the same situation. Nothing guarantees you won’t need to file one, of course, but there are things you can do to help.
Much of it depends on the type of claim you’re trying to avoid and any potential hazards in your area. But here are three common types of claims and general tips that can help most homeowners.
Fire and lightning claims
Claims involving fire and/or lightning are the most common, and they average over $77,000. The best steps to protect yourself are to check your smoke alarms periodically to ensure they work and make sure you have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen. If there’s a lightning storm, unplug your appliances.
Property damage or injury claims
The average amount of one of these claims is over $30,000, and they are the second-most common. To help avoid them, always be sure to restrain dogs or other pets so that they don’t bite or otherwise injury people. Make sure that walkways are clear and safe for guests or visitors. Also, be aware of attractive nuisances, like a trampoline or a backyard pool.
Water damage claims
Finally, water damage claims average over $10,000, and some can be much more expensive than that. It’s good to run a sump pump if you have it, and make sure you clean your plumbing systems. You also want to clean your gutters to keep water away from the roof. If it’s cold enough to freeze, unplug hoses so that they don’t back up and break pipes.
These tips can help, but you still may need to file an insurance claim at some point. If you do, be sure you know what legal options if your claim is denied.